Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm, Saturday: 7am-11am
Bomag BW138 AC

Bomag BW138 AC

  • COMFORTABLE WORKSPACE - Ample space and legroom on the operator platform ensure a pleasant workday.
    The compact steering wheel and the large
    access steps make getting on and off simple
    and safe.
  • SPREAD EVENLY - The chip spreader
    offers a uniform distribution pattern
    with a precisely defined width. Your
    benefit: No overlap, no wastage, no
  • SURFACES OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY - The rolling and kneading effect of the rubber wheels pulls
    bitumen to the surface and achieves maximum sealing of
    the asphalt layer. The tires' adaptability also make clean
    compaction on transitions and edges possible.

  • Weight 4 t
    Transport Width 1.46 m
    Vibration e
    Steering KL
    Frequency 46/52 Hz
    Rollers Ø 0.81 m
    Engine Manuf. Deutz
    Engine Power 35.8 kW
    Transport Length 2.58 m
    Transport Height 2.075 m
    Drive A
    Travel Speed 10 km/h
    Roller Width 1.38 m
    Statical Line Load15 kg/cm
    Engine Type F3L2011

Get In Touch

Bryan Ratcliffe
General Manager
027 509 4690
Kurt Scott
Account Manager
027 266 6988

Lance Farrow
Account Manager
027 202 4706

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